Ramona Marks



Professional writing, web content, proofreading, and editing.

Just ask.

More Than One Job

My primary job is working as a web content provider through an online service. That makes up the bulk of the work that I do, both writing and editing. It's confidential, so not even my clients know who I really am. They know that when they make an order, they can count on me to be the one who responds and gives them an estimated delivery date. They know that I'm pretty good at sticking to my own deadlines, and that I'll communicate if something has been delayed. They know that the text they receive will be original.

Most of the writing I do myself, but I also have a small team of writers who do some of the writing for me - at least for that job. Everything that my writers send to me gets a once-over from me, too. 

And then there are the private clients. I work directly with business owners and academics who need web content and proofreading services, respectively. Over the past year, I've helped new businesses get started with their web page content and with printed materials copy. The variety is the fun part. I've written a lot of blog posts about plumbing issues - how many plumbers do you know that want to also be bloggers? But I've also been challenged to learn about the practices of buffalo farmers in Italy, looked at the costs and benefits of creating overland shipping routes between Asia and Europe (based on United Nations documents), and helped draft blog posts about personal organizing as well as water resource management. 

Never a dull moment, as they say. 

I wrote or edited close to a million words for my primary job (918,150) and I'm sure it's over a million if you count work for private clients, which I don't track for word count. Maybe I'll start doing that this year. I do enjoy a good spreadsheet. New Year's Resolution? Make sure it's another million word year.